Zhumadian → Jingziguan mountains

Zhumadian mountains to Jingziguan Driving Directions:
  Beijing high-speed high-speed → → Ningluo Lianhuo speed (Xi'an, Sanmenxia direction) → Xin'an exit (turn right) → stone temple town → Ishii Town (Ishii bridge turn left) → follow the signs to the area that is traveling 10 kilometers (high-speed to the area about 48 km).


New arrival County Longtan Grand Canyon train:
        Sidley United States in front of the new County train every day, start as early as 9:20, about 15 yuan ticket, direct area.
        Scenic to a new county. As early as 6:30, 11:30, about 15 yuan ticket, direct the new County.
        Hotline: 13838818596

Luoyang bus bus schedule:
     Luoyang, a car transport train station every day, as early as 8:00, 9:02 classes, about $ 20 a ticket, direct area.
      Daily parking area directly in Luoyang, 15:30, 4:30 two classes, about $ 20 a ticket, direct Luoyang.
      Hotline: 18637905197; 15516385181


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